All Research

  1. Correlation constraints for regression models: controlling bias in brain age prediction, Frontiers in Psychiatry, M. Treder, J. Shock, D. Stein, S Du Plessis, S. Seedat, K. Tsvetanov
  2. The relationship between mindset and academic achievement at university: A quantitative study of South African students,A. Cambell, M. Mokhithi, J.Shock - WEEF GEDC
  3. Introduction to Complex Numbers, M. Mokhithi and J. Shock - From In Introduction to University Level Mathematics for a South African Audience. J. Shock, Ed.Cape Town: Jonathan Shock.
  4. A game-theoretic analysis of networked system control for common-pool resource management using multi-agent reinforcement learning- ArXiv:2010.07777, NeurIPS 2020
  5. Strongly Coupled Heavy and Light Quark Thermal Motion from AdS/CFT, arXiv:2008.09196, A. K. Mes, R. W. Moerman, J. P. Shock, W. A. Horowitz
  6. Magnetic catalysis and the chiral condensate in holographic QCD- JHEP10(2020)193 and ArXiv:2005.00500, A Ballon-Bayona, J. Shock, D. Zoakos
  7. ''We have already heard that the treatment doesn't do anything, so why should we take it?'': A mixed method perspective on Chagas disease knowledge, attitudes, prevention, and treatment behaviour in the Bolivian Chaco- PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, S. Parisi et al
  8. Structural neuroimaging biomarkers for obsessive-compulsive disorder in the ENIGMA-OCD consortium: medication matters, Transl Psychiatry 10, 342 (2020), W. Bruin et al.
  9. Notes on the Squashed Sphere Lowest Landau Level- ArXiv:1909.08042, J. Murugan, J. Shock, R. Slayen
  10. Chaos and Scrambling in Quantum Small Worlds- ArXiv:1901.04561, J. Hartmann, J. Murugan, J. Shock
  11. Astrophysical Quantum Matter: Spinless charged particles on a magnetic dipole sphere- General Relativity and Gravitation volume 53, Article number: 29 (2021) and ArXiv:1811.03109, J. Murugan, J. Shock, R. Slayen
  12. Paper: Consciousness Indexing and Outcome Prediction with Resting-State EEG in Severe Disorders of Consciousness, Brain Topography, 1-15, S. Stefan, B. Schorr, A. Lopez-Rolon, IT. Kolassa, J. Shock, M. Rosenfelder, S Heck, A.Bender
  13. P 132 Automated outcome prediction and assessment with quantitative EEG in severe disorders of consciousness, Clinical Neurophysiology 128 (10) e393, S. Stefan, B. Schorr, A. Lopez-Rolon, I. Kolassa, J. Shock, A. Bender
  14. A Universal Order parameter for Inverse Magnetic Catalysis - ArXiv:1706.05977 JHEP 2017 (10) 38, A. Ballon-Bayona, M. Ihl, J. Shock, D. Zoakos
  15. Severe Disorders of Consciousness after Acquired Brain Injury: A Single-Centre Long-Term Follow-up Study - NeuroRehabilitation A. Lopez-Rolon et al
  16. A cross-sectional, descriptive study of Chagas disease among citizens of Bolivian origin living in Munich, Germany - BMJ Open M. Navarro et al
  17. Quantum discord in de Sitter space - ArXiv:1608.02853 S. Kanno, J. Shock, J. Soda.
  18. The Information Metric on the moduli space of instantons with global symmetries - ArXiv:1507.08894, Phys.Lett. B753 (2016) 660-663, E. Malek, J. Muguran, J. Shock.
  19. Probability Density Functions from the Fisher Information Metric - ArXiv:1504.03184, T. Clingman, J. Murugan, J. Shock.
  20. Entanglement negativity in the multiverse - ArXiv:1412.2838, JCAP 1503 (2015) 03, 015. S. Kanno, J. Shock, J. Soda.
  21. Entanglement entropy of α-vacua in de Sitter space - ArXiv:1404.6815, JHEP 1407 (2014) 072, S. Kanno, J. Murugan, J. Shock, J. Soda.
  22. Particle-vortex and Maxwell duality in AdS4 CP3/ABJM correspondence- ArXiv:1404.5926, JHEP 1410 (2014) 051, J.Murugan, H. Nastase, N. Rughoonauth, J. Shock.
  23. Efficient Quantification and Characterization of Bacterial Outer Membrane derived Nano-particles with Flow Cytometric Analysis - International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2014.07.012, Wieser et al.
  24. Evaluation of Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte detection in different patient material - Malaria Journal 2013, 12:438, Kast et al.
  25. Magnetic field induced lattice ground states from holography - ArXiv:1210.6669, JHEP 1303:165, 2013, Y.Y. Bu, J. Erdmenger, J. Shock, M. Strydom
  26. Holographic Superfluidity from a Magnetic Field - PoS ConfinementX 268 (2012), Y.Y. Bu, J. Erdmenger, J. Shock, M. Strydom
  27. Evaluation of dried blood spots on filter paper for Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte detection with real-time QT-NASBA - Malaria Journal - May 2012, M. Pritsch, A. Wieser, V. Soederstroem, D. Poluda, T. Eshetu, M. Hoelscher, S. Schubert, J. Shock, T. Loescher, N. Berens-Riha
  28. On Stability and Transport of Cold Holographic Matter- ArXiv:1108.1798, , JHEP Volume 2011, Number 9 (2011), 30, M.Ammon, J.Erdmenger, S.Lin, S.Muller, A.O'Bannon, J.P.Shock
  29. Chiral phase transitions and quantum critical points of the D3/D7(D5) system with mutually perpendicular E and B fields at finite temperature and density- ArXiv:1107.5053, , JHEP volume 2011, Article number: 21 (2011), N.Evans, K.Y.Kim, J.P.Shock
  30. The open string membrane paradigm with external electromagnetic fields- ArXiv:1103.4581, JHEP 1106:017, 2011 K.Y.Kim, J.P.Shock, J.Tarrio
  31. Sum rules, plasma frequencies and hall phenomenology in holographic plasmas - ArXiv:1010.5613, JHEP 1102:015, 2011 J.Mas, J.P.Shock, J.Tarrio
  32. Strings on bubbling geometries - ArXiv:1003.4190, JHEP 1006:055,2010. H.Lin, A.Morisse, J.P.Shock
  33. Holographic hadrons in a confining finite density medium - ArXiv:0912.4013, JHEP 1003:115, 2010. Y.Seo, J.P.Shock, S.J.Sin, D.Zoakos
  34. A note on the velocity of holographic long lived mesons - ArXiv:0912.2945, Phys.Lett.B688:244-247, 210. J.P.Shock, J. Tarrio
  35. Holographic operator mixing and quasinormal modes on the brane - ArXiv:0911.3610, JHEP 1002:021,2010. M.Kaminski, K.Landsteiner, J.Mas, J.P.Shock, J.Tarrio
  36. Universal holographic chiral dynamics in an external magnetic field - ArXiv:0903.5345, JHEP 0908:013,2009 V.Filev, C.V.Johnson, J.P.Shock
  37. The AdS/CFT Correspondence and Non-perturbative QCD - ArXiv:0901.2534, AIP Conf.Proc.116:265-284, 2009. J.Edelstein, J.P.Shock, D.Zoakos
  38. On the Einstein relation in holographic systems at finite baryon density - ArXiv:0812.4432, The proceedings of the ESP School in High Energy Physics and Astrophysics: The LHC perspective and beyond, Cargese, France, 16-28 June 2008. J.Mas, J.P.Shock,J.Tarrio
  39. Holographic flavor in N=4 gauge theories in 3d from wrapped branes - ArXiv:0812.1975, JHEP 0902:001,2009. A.V.Ramallo, J.P.Shock, D.Zoakos
  40. A note on conductivity and charge diffusion in holographic flavour systems - ArXiv:0811.1750, JHEP 0901:025,2009. J.Mas, J.P.Shock, J.Tarrio
  41. Holographic Spectral functions at finite baryon density - ArXiv:0805.2601, JHEP 0809:009,2008. J.Mas, J.P.Shock, J.Tarrio, D.Zoakos
  42. AdS/CFT with flavour in electric and magnetic Kalb-Ramond fields - hep-th/0709.1551, JHEP 0712:091,2007. J.Erdmenger, R.Meyer and J.P.Shock
  43. Holographic confinement/deconfinement phase transitions of AdS/QCD in curved spaces - hep-th/0705.3388, JHEP 08 (2007) 095. R.G.Cai and J.P.Shock
  44. A Note on chiral symmetry breaking from intersecting branes - hep-th/0704.3913, Phys.Rev. D76 (2007) 046003. Y.H.Gao, J.P.Shock, W.S.Xu and D.F.Zeng
  45. An Exotic Approach to Hadron Physics - hep-ph/0704.1721, YKIS06 proceedings. M.Bando, Y.Fukase, J.P.Shock, A.Sugamoto and S.Terunuma
  46. AdS/QCD phenomenological models from a back-reacted geometry - hep-ph/0611227, JHEP 03 (2007) 064. J.P.Shock, F.Wu, Y-L.Wu and Z-F.Xie
  47. Embedding Flipped SU(5) into SO(10) - hep-ph/0606087, JHEP 10 (2006) 035. C-S.Huang, T.Li, C.Liu, J.P.Shock, F.Wu and Y-L.Wu
  48. Three Flavour QCD from the holographic principle - hep-ph/0603142, JHEP 08 (2006) 023. J.P.Shock and F.Wu
  49. Canonical Coordinates and Meson Spectra for Scalar Deformed N=4 SYM from the AdS/CFT Correspondence - hep-th/0601025, JHEP 10 (2006) 043. J.P.Shock
  50. Towards a Perfect QCD Gravity Dual - hep-th/0505250, Phys.Lett. B622 (2005) 165-171. N.Evans J.P.Shock and T.Waterson
  51. D7 Brane Embeddings and Chiral Symmetry Breaking - hep-th/0502091, JHEP 0503 (2005) 005. N.Evans J.P.Shock and T.Waterson
  52. Chiral Dynamics from AdS Space - hep-th/0403279, Phys.Rev. D70 (2004) 046002. N.Evans and J.P.Shock